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Albert Solé-Ribalta
Senior Researcher
Albert Solé Ribalta has obtained the degree in Computer Science and the Master in Artificial Intelligence in 2007, both granted by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. In 2012, he obtained the PhD in Computer Science granted by the same university. The PhD was developed between 2008 and 2012 and addressed the development of multiple graph matching techniques (a sub field of pattern recognition). After the PhD, he has hold a post-doctoral scholarship in the Alephsys Lab (Algorithms Embedded in Physical Systems) under the supervision of Prof. Alex Arenas. Within the 4 years of duration, he has contributed to develop the foundation of Multiplex networks with special attention to centrality measures and its dynamical processes. Nowadays, he is professor of Big Data analysis and technologies and Machine Learning at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, forms part of the CoSIN3 research group, led by Dr. Javier Borge Holthoefer and he is an elected member of the council of the Complex System Society. The group is established at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) at the same university and pivots on the following pillars: computation social sciences, urban science, human and urban ecology, and dynamical processes on complex networks.
Along the research lines of the group, his current main research interests span the study of the analogy between socio-urban and ecological systems and the design of sustainable, equitable and safe urban transportation networks where he is currently leading a research project with the objective to analyze and improve mobility in Barcelona.

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
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