Work Enviroment
Our offices are located in Castelldefels, close to the cosmopolitan city of Barcelona in Catalunya. Catalunya is a very small country in the northeast of Spain with everything from countryside villages to big cites, from high mountains to work beach areas. So, you can decide what you like the most!
If you want to know more about the team, workplace or Catalunya, please drop us an email, we can arrange a call.

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Phd Program
CoSIN3 is involved in the Network and Information Technologies (NIT) Doctoral programme, which includes researchers belonging to the IT, Multimedia and Telecommunications (IMT) Department at UOC, or else to the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
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The Doctoral School of the UOC offers competitive grants to fund the doctoral studies of new NIT doctoral programme candidates (call opens from December to mid-February, on a yearly basis). These grants involve exclusive dedication and physical presence at the University’s facilities (although partial remote work is possible). The maximum duration of the grants is three years.
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Research Areas
The Complex Systems group (CoSIN3) at IN3-UOC has a solid trajectory in methodological advances ("Foundations on Complex Systems"), computational models combined with large scale transactional data to explain social phenomena ("Computational Social Science"), and the study of urban networked systems ("Structure and Dynamics of Urban Complex Systems"). These lines of research are further developed in the following links:
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Link to UOC’s NIT Doctoral Programme